
Showing posts from April, 2017

30 Points, How Science Has Changed Our Lives

If we look life 100 years ago, and compare that with the today's life, we will notice that Science has dramatically changed human life. With the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the effect of Science on human life rapidly changed. Today, science has a profound effect on the way we live, largely through technology, the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Some forms of scientific inventions have changed our lives entirely. For example the refrigerator has played a major role in maintaining public health ever since its invention. The first automobile, dating from the 1880s, made use of many advances in physics, mathematics and engineering; the first electronic computers emerged in the 1940s from simultaneous advances in electronics, physics and mathematics. Today we have extra high- speed super computers with 100 % accuracy. Science has enormous influence on our lives. It provides the basis of much of modern technology - the tools, material

Why Indian Science Lagged Behind Western Science?

Science is the study of theory, its verification through observation and experimentation to verify those observations in the context of the theory. If the theory is verifiable through an experiment and a meticulous observation then it is successful otherwise not. Science includes various areas of study like physics, chemistry, mathematics etc. Science is passion of west but the reality is that it has its roots in India also. It would not be wrong to analyze the reasons about why India lagged behind while the west progressed ahead to left India behind in Science. Why Indian science lagged behind the western science and why Western science is more advanced and genuine? Indian Science progresses like anything else through the early years of first century to eleventh century especially astronomy. While Europe was still living in the dark ages under pope and Christianity, Indians had already made progress in the mathematics and astronomical sciences to name a few. An Indian scientist wa

How Can Instructional Technology Make Teaching and Learning More Effective in the Schools?

In the past few years of research on instructional technology has resulted in a clearer vision of how technology can affect teaching and learning. Today, almost every school in the United States of America uses technology as a part of teaching and learning and with each state having its own customized technology program. In most of those schools, teachers use the technology through integrated activities that are a part of their daily school curriculum. For instance, instructional technology creates an active environment in which students not only inquire, but also define problems of interest to them. Such an activity would integrate the subjects of technology, social studies, math, science, and language arts with the opportunity to create student-centered activity. Most educational technology experts agree, however, that technology should be integrated, not as a separate subject or as a once-in-a-while project, but as a tool to promote and extend student learning on a daily basis.

Modern Science and Technology and the Challenges of Third World Countries

We live in a highly sophisticated world where everything is almost achievable. There would probably have been no changes between the world of today and that of three centuries ago if necessity and serendipitous discoveries had not driven men to achieve great things. Science and technology have had huge positive effects on every society. The world today has gone digital, even human thought. Our world has been reduced to a global village and is better for it. The benefits of science and technology far outweigh every perceived shortcoming. Some of the biggest effects of technology are in the area of communication; through the internet and mobile phones. There is advancement of communication and expansions of economic commerce. Today we hear of information and communication technology (ICT). Any institution worth its name must have it in place to be really outstanding. Information technology has become boosted in today's generation; from the field of communication, business, educat

Parenting High School Teenagers Through Secondary School Education

All this occurs when our kids really need us the most. Not only must they deal with schools, teachers and education, the hormonal changes they are going through puts even further pressure on them. Add to the mix issues over school friendships, boyfriend/girlfriend liaisons, the pressure of homework, bullying issues and pressure brought on by the increasing speed of computer and internet technologies -- all of this can build to the 'perfect storm' affecting your child's sense of self worth and identity. Anger and frustration boils over and parents are often in the firing line. On the front-line of this battle, parents must take - or regain -- control. As carers, it's up to us to get our kids from the end of primary school to graduation from high school with sufficient academic ability to take on careers and other life's challenges. While it might seem patently obvious, overwhelmingly parents learn about what they've done right (or, painfully, what the

Why You Need a High School Education

Hopefully, you go via high school, graduate, and then go on to have a great life. If you are one of the teenagers out there that is struggling in school, you might ask yourself why a high school education is so essential if you do not plan on likely to university and possibly you have a employment waiting for you. No matter what is about to happen immediately after you happen to be done with your high school years, acquiring you diploma is extra significant than you imagine. Get it and you will probably be thankful later on in living. Individuals which have been proceeding into a particular trade or that might be heading into the family business may perhaps not feel that they require to finish their school education. Obtaining your diploma and finishing high school seriously isn't just about about to college, it can be about being prepared for life. You discover things in school that you require for each day living whether you are planning to university or any other sort of hig